Hybrid: ZOOM or Hamburg  /  09. November 2023, 9:00 - 13:00

Fraunhofer@DESY Campus – Focus on BioMed

Fraunhofer and DESY are planning to intensify their cooperation in several fields including 

research on BioMed, Life and Health. We would like to cordially invite you to the hybrid workshop


Fraunhofer@DESY – Focus on BioMed

on the 9th of November 2023, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm


The aim of this event is twofold: 


Showcasing Science: Keynote speeches will showcase the unique research and service possibilities of Fraunhofer Institutes such as the Institute for Applied Polymer Research IAP and the Institute for Translational Medicine and Pharmacology ITMP and explore possible synergies between Fraunhofer and DESY including its campus partners EMBL and HEREON. 

Teaming up for solutions:  By debating your current industrial challenges, we hope to learn how to help solve them by better aligning scientific service offers of Fraunhofer and DESY and empower your company or institute by “teaming up for solutions”.