Fraunhofer CIMD Competence Platforms

Fraunhofer CIMD has established two interdisciplinary competence platforms to work on the overarching topics of  "New drug classes" and "Alternative methods to animal testing". The focus here is on establishing a network of experts by linking expertise from core and partner institutes as well as external research institutions, universities and university hospitals.


Competence platform "New drug classes"

The platform is intended to contribute in particular to making accessible what are currently considered "undruggable" targets (approx. 80 percent of the proteome). For this purpose, the competence platform is subdivided into the following four sub-platforms:

  1. Cell therapeutics
  2. RNA therapeutics
  3. Proximity-inducing substances (ProxiDrugs)
  4. Aptamers and tolerogenic protein complexes

The treatment goal of these new classes of drugs is, depending on the indication, either the restoration of impaired immunological self-tolerance or the enhancement of endogenous protective immunity.


Competence platform "Alternative methods to animal testing"

The platform addresses the application-oriented implementation of new technologies to reduce animal testing in drug research.


Alternative methods to animal testing

New drug classes

Proximity-inducing substances (ProxiDrugs)


New drug classes

RNA therapeutics


New drug classes

Cell therapeutics

New drug classes

Aptamers and tolerogenic protein complexes