Day of Immunology 2019

On June 19th, the first "Day of Immunology" of the Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Immune-Mediated Diseases CIMD took place in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The field of participants consisted of employees from the core institutes of the research cluster (Fraunhofer IME, ITEM and IZI) as well as 38 other Fraunhofer institutes.
At the 'Day of Immunology' the participants got an insight into the work of the research cluster. Scientists of the research cluster presented their scientific projects, invited medical professionals talked about what their patients desire most (the medical need) and representatives from the pharmaceutical industry explained the requirements and conditions of the market.
The Fraunhofer CIMD is dedicated to translational research. It thus transfers basic research into the application. Fraunhofer CIMD works in the four major fields of health research - drugs, diagnostics, devices and data, the 4D. In principle, the four fields are represented by four occupational groups: physicians, natural scientists, engineers and computer scientists. At "Day of Immunology" they discussed further opportunities for collaboration in order to apply ideas cost-effectively and to translate them into new treatment options.
The "Day of Immunology" was a successful prelude to the promotion of networking, cooperation and opportunities for collaboration along the 4D within the entire Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.